Monday, June 05, 2006

New Lake Beulah Story

This week's paper had a picture taken last year of a "gator sighting" on the lake. The article stated that according to the distance between the eyes (picture was pretty graphic) the gator was 8 to 10 feet long. Guess where the gator was spotted! Right down from the Fireman's Club.
That is a very scenic spot of the "West Coast", we take wildlife cruises to that end of the lake. We have in the past 2 or 3 years seen: up to 4 bald eagles; a passle of piglets; deer; Asian carp "jumping" fish; and now maybe a gator!!!!
Anyone up for skiing?
Come on over!
Manager 1

from Scarlett: D'ya think the gator ran off the nest of snakes?