Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Breakfast at aunt imogene's,
I remember the butter at the table made from fresh churned milk. It had a weird color but tasted good.

Lunch same place,
The cornbread put in the middle of the plate and the veggie soup or cut veggies poured on top.

Special lunch Uncle Franklin style
He taught me how to take white bread, mayo, big slice of ham and a big slice of white onion. Can't be beat.

And who can forget Aunt Imogene's ice tea pitcher and sweet tea. By the way I consider this desert.
Now I know the recipe but does anyone want to officially document it here. I know the secret ingredient that will be hard to get but lets see if anyone can guess it

Secret recipe - my foot!
It's called water/ tea bags (Lipton only) /sugar(lots) and an aluminum pitcher with a dent in the side. It was used to dip water out of the wringer washer.
Becky said this!!!!

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