Sunday, February 12, 2006

Talking Talking Vowell Talk

Pat and Nell have both said they want a ‘memory book’ because “the memories could go farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr back....”

Sandra wants a “I remember when…” a place where one person can remember something that happened, but then maybe some one else remembers it a little differently, and then someone else remembers yet another detail…and we all chime in, telling the same story, maybe differently, but yet, it is our story.

Donna wants everyone to tell a story… If Jessica tells us an event that stands out in her memory, it might not be about Vowell interaction, but we will know Jessica as a real person, not just a cousin growing up and growing away. Tell us about something that happened to you...or about an animal, a special object, a place, a friend, family, a funny thing that happened, a strange thing that happened, a dream, anything.

If you contribute a story, a snippet, a memory…if you add your voice to the Voice Voices blog, your name goes in the Story Pot for a chance to win $25, and all of us will be richer for it.

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