Friday, February 24, 2006

Vowell Voices

Well I was the first elder to blog but it was not easy !!! I learn something new everyday. My Hale grandchildren gave me the name Foxy G-Maw so that is who I am. Foxy G-Maw and Jack had a wonderful 50th wedding anniversity dinneron December 26th hosted by our children We had a room full !! 19-- only one was missing and he was missed !! Kelsey made a lot of pictures that I will share later.
I have really enjoyed reading the blogs and hope more family will blog. Kate, you have a darling little boy
Will blog more later.

Vowell Voices

1 comment:

Camellia said...

She's here! She's here!...and that would have been my 36th first marriage anniversary???? Oh, and I thought I had been married this time for always and then just a second, a blinking of the eye. And...I was at your wedding, tying cans on your car...who else was there?????