Sunday, March 12, 2006

Christmas Continues

I also remember the car trips to Ruleville, even though I was crammed in the very back of the station wagon, all the way to the ceiling of the car because I was smallest. Well, that's where I always wanted to be, but the truth is I usually had to sit in front between Mom and Dad or that's how I remember it by the time I could remember the trip. I always loved seeing all the farm lands, that's when I knew we were very close. One time Dad stopped the car and Mom got out and picked off some cotton from someone's field.Before we left from Homewood we would always stop and get Dunkin' Donuts and Mom would fill her green (?) coffee travel thermos. Dad drove all the way. His hands would get tired and he would clap them together and put them right back on the wheel. Does anyone remember when Ken suprised all that Christmas Eve Night. That was so exciting. Everyone was sleeping everywhere on the floors.
I remember burning my feet everytime I'd walk across the floor heater.
What about the deer next door to Granny's?
Goodness, the bunnys at Aunt Margie's & Uncle Charles house.
I am so ready to hear "I see an egg" I can hear it in my head. We are all so excited to see all of you!

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