Thursday, March 16, 2006

Country Grocery stores

This is one of my earliest memories. Sitting on the counter in grandaddies store just down from Gary's house in the country.

I remember the floors were wood boards. I remember the good things that were in the jars. Don't remember much else but if anyone can let me know when did this store close I could get a my age when I remembered this.

Also we use to go and help Uncle Jack at the store at the half way point. I think that is why they called it half way i think? I don't think we were much help. I remember climbing around on the roof and playing robbers or indians I don't know which?

1 comment:

Camellia said...

That was a wonderful store. you could find good trash outside it...I am not sure what trash exactly, but something we could make into badges? And it had a beautiful doll in a box I wanted real bad, but could not have. And...he was there long enough for us to be able to go down on our own (run past the canal, thanks James) and walk the wooden bridge. Also he brought store money home in a cigar box, and he had a hundred dollar bill once!

I never remember the half way store...just the store Manager 1 is talking about. And when they had the Ruleville Film Festival, Ronald said somebody had Grand-daddy behind the counter at Roy's grocery. My neighbors here in Gwood are somehow related to Roy.