Monday, March 20, 2006


I have been off for a few days. Sorry it was giving me trouble signing in.

Ok I remember sitting up in the corn crib with BB guns with Gary. Trying to kill the mice or were they rats that were eating the corn. I think we made them mad. The BB guns were to small for these corn eaters.
I know this next statement is sexist but I need to say it.
Do the boys in the Vowell family remember when they got their BB gun's. Mine came one Xmas. I think the girls in the family did not get BB guns because of the concern that they would turn them on the boy cousins when we got them mad at us. Ok I started it again Sandra.

from Scarlett
I remember a BB gun that I got for Christmas one year. I don't know how long I had it and I don't think I was allowed to take it to Ruleville. I did shoot it at home. And when I killed a bird, I cried. Maybe girls didn't need BB guns but we wanted them.


Camellia said...

Maybe what I was thinking was the hay shed was the corn crib.

Camellia said...

Scarlett was the bbs and at archery. I remember when she killed the bird. She vowed never to kill anything just for the skill of hitting a target. Any boy stuff, Scarlett could do better. And after the boys graduated from shooting rats to shooting rabbits, I went hunting with them one day. Everybody shot the same rabbit, but did not kill it, and ended up beating it to death with s stick. Didn't see the point in it myself.

Camellia said...

But you always did everything better than boys. And you were prettier and smarter, too. And you got your driver's license first. They just wouldn't let you play on the organized boys' teams. I believe we didn't break that barrier until Jean came along. Or am I remembering wrong? But boys were fact, I think I was a boy until I was about five. I think Manager 1 may have been one a tad bit longer. She got to be a boy and have the best Barbies, too.