Saturday, March 04, 2006

Vowell Voices


I remember when we got 25 cents to go to the movies in ruleville. This payed for everything, movie and candy. We were on our own. So we really felt grown up.

But I bet no one remembers how we earned money once to go to the movies.

Uncle franklin gave us cotton picking bags and took us out to the cotton field. We pulled those bags down the row. I don't remember how many rows we made it down. But it was maybe 1. We then took our bags to the farm and Uncle franklin weighed them. I think my bag was maybe a little more then a quarter. But guess what it got me in the movies that day.
So that is 3 memories in one. Cotton picking, movies and food.

Camellia says, I remember the cotton picking, but what do I know. I am willing to remember everything, even if I was not there. I do not believe I made 25 cents worth, and I am not sure that was not the time I went and stood under corn as high as an elephant's eye. Was there a cornfield near the cotton field?

1 comment:

Camellia said...

SEnt you an invite. Go for it. Just a note...any one posting can send an invite, under settings, then members.