Friday, March 03, 2006

Scary stories

Uncle Ronald has always told the best scary stories. I don't remember any in particular. But when he lived at the cemetary Melanie and I would ride around with him after dark so he could show us the "glowing" tombstones. And I can't believe no one has mentioned the Wampus Kitty!

Manager 1 says:
Wampuss Kitty was one of the 1st post - you may have to hit the archives.
When we were younger, Ronald was the scariest! The rooms in the old house had pull cords in the center of the room to turn on the lights. Ronald would not go in to turn a light on (Gary and I would have to). And he could not watch a scary movie- And you could jump out and scare him really bad! Not that I ever did that! Never - And to think he is the one who has caused my grandchildren to have nightmares!
The bestest scary story teller is Donna!

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