Friday, March 03, 2006


The summer after Jack and I married, we came to Ruleville for a visit. I had never been fishing so Jack and Grandaddy took me to Grenada Lake. I think we rented a boat and got on the water. "I hate being on the water" Seems like we were there for hours, had not caught a fish, when Grandaddy said "Jo you will have to look the other way because I have to use the bathroom" Just as I turned my back, Grandaddy got a fish on his hook. He forgot all about going to the bathroom. I was so happy to finally see a fish, Just knew we could go home after that but we had to stay until dark That was probably the only fish that was caught that day

Manager 1 says:
Does anyone remember going fishing with Granny? Not often for me - I always talked too much & scared the fish away. And I would get so tired of just sitting there in the first "blue hole". Usually by the time I thought I couldn't take one more minute - here would come Chuck in another boat and take me back to the fireman's club! Hey do you remember the dog food cans that Granny took. Both ends were cut out so that the can could be put over the pole, down the line, to the hook to the hang up and get the hook loose!

Vowell Voices

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